I am sure that alot of you are like me at the moment and are watching the news closely. I can't believe that Queensland is copping it again :( I am sooo glad that there has been no lives lost in Cyclone Yasi and that everyone is safe. I have never had to go through anything like that (and never want to!) but I am sure if I was ever in that situation I wouldnt be worried about personal possessions (apart from my photos and albums of course) I would want to make sure that my family and friends are safe from harm.
Also, my thoughts and prayer go out to the family of the soldier from Darwin that was killed in Afganistan today. I have 3 cousins in the Armed Forces, and thankfully they are all still in Australia and not on active duty overseas.
Ok, now for some scrapping :)
Josie came over on Tuesday to spend the day scrapping. We are going to make it a weekly event! So if you are close by and want to come and play you are more than welcome!
I managed to get 2 layouts done while she was here. The first one was
Anthea's sketch challenge at
Scrapbook Savvy. This is one challenge that I look forward to every month
in my usual style I flipped it on its side to match the photo that I wanted to scrap lol
The next one I did for the day was the first sketch for
Stuck?! And I flipped this one too hee hee
and if you go
here, you will see who is on the new design team.. lots of
Savvy girls there!
I think I might have been missing
Miss Sarah that day :(
I also have some other 'Just Because' layouts that I have done in the last couple of days
Thanks for dropping by!
Donna xxx